Keeping it pure and simple!!
Stormwater is water generated by rainfall and snowmelt. Management of stormwater is required to prevent damage to property, and protect the health of streams and coastal waters.
LEI are specialists at providing stormwater treatment, detention, reticulation and discharge design solutions for residential, industrial and commercial environments.
Specific stormwater expertise provided includes:
- Residential, commercial and industrial design solutions
- Pre and post development stormwater runoff modelling
- Treatment and detention design solutions
- Discharge designs (soakage pit/trench or surface water discharges)
- Construction water treatment and discharge design solutions
- Erosion and sediment control management plan preparation
- Resource consent and assessment of environmental effects
- Certificate of compliance applications
- Contaminated land stormwater solutions
- Truck wash treatment and discharge design solutions
- Site supervision and CPEng sign off for drainage systems
For more information see our Stormwater brochure