Regional Biosolids Strategy - Strategy Documents

The ‘Regional Biosolids Strategy - Lower North Island’ was a 3-year collaborative project involving ten lower North Island Councils working in partnership to develop a regional specific biosolids strategy with a focus on beneficial use.

The documents below are provided for public use. The strategy is broken down into three parts:

- Part A: The ‘Regional Biosolids Strategy’, which also serves as an overview of the project and project outputs;
- Part B: 9 concise fact sheets covering a range of biosolids related topics; and
- Part C: 14 comprehensive reports relating to all aspects of the ‘Regional Biosolids Strategy’.



A Strategy for the Collective Mangement of Biosolids


Fact sheet 1: What are Biosolids?
Fact sheet 2: Components of Processing Sludge
Fact sheet 3: Beneficial Use of Biosolids
Fact sheet 4: Composting Sludge
Fact sheet 5: Land Application of Biosolids
Fact sheet 6: Sludge as a Growth Medium
Fact sheet 7: Regulation and Consenting
Fact sheet 8: The Biosolids Guidelines
Fact sheet 9: Biosolids and Cultural Impact Assessments


Report 1: Gaps Analysis; Investigating Knowledge Gaps for Sludge in the Lower North Island
Report 2: A Quantitative Assessment of Sludge in the Lower North Island
Report 3: Identifying Opportunities for Councils to Work Together for Sludge Management
Report 4: A Draft Strategy for the Collective Management of Biosolids – Lower North Island
Report 5: Exploring the challenges facing councils and iwi when working around biosolids issues; Key insights and lessons learned
Report 6: Biosolids Processing Trials; Trial for assessing the reuse of biosolids as a growing substrate for nursery plants
Report 7: Exploring the challenges facing councils and iwi when working around biosolids issues; Developing a regional GIS map
Report 8: Exploring the challenges facing councils and iwi when working around biosolids issues; Assessment of Cultural Frameworks
Report 9: Biosolids Processing Trials; Biosolids Composting Trial Final Report
Report 10: Biosolids Processing Trials; Biosolids Field Trial Final Report
Report 11: Memo; Consenting Framework for Discharges of Biosolids to Land
Report 12: Memo; Guidance on Determining Nitrogen Mineralisation Rates
Report 13: Potential End-Use Options for the Lower North Island
Report 14: Memo; A cost analysis summary for end-use options in the Lower North Island

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